eXp 4000 Detects Bronze Artifact in 1.7 m (4.5 ft) Depth

eXp 4000 Detects Bronze Artifact in 1.7 m (4.5 ft) Depth

Dedektör eXp 4000 (2005-2014)
Derinlik: 1.7 m (5.4 ft)
Bölge: Kermanshah, Iran
Boyut: 5 x 3 x 4cm | 2" x 1.2" x 1.6" (LxWxH)

Historical Artifact Iran

A successful treasure hunter from Kermanshah in Iran informed us about his latest treasure find. With the OKM ground scanner eXp 4000 he detected this historical figure made of bronze in 1,65 m depth. The artefact has a size of 5 cm x 3 cm x 4 cm and shows the head of an animal with bent horns. Unfortunately the treasure hunter was not able to give us more detailed information. Maybe you know what ancient artifact this is?

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