Rover UC Successful in Iran: Coin Hoard Found in 4.7 m (15.4 ft) Depth

Rover UC Successful in Iran: Coin Hoard Found in 4.7 m (15.4 ft) Depth

Derinlik: 4.7 m (15.4 ft)
Bölge: Zanjan, Iran

About 300 pieces of these valuable precious coins have been found by a lucky Iranian treasure hunter. The coins have been located near Zanjan, about 300 km from Tehran, Iran. The Rover UC gold detector detected this hoard of coins in a depth of approx. 4.70 m under the ground.

Coins Treasure Iran W0 I370 

The treasure hunter is using the undercover gold metal detector Rover UC to find treasures, valuable targets and ancient artifacts from former empires in this region. These precious coins originate from the Sassanian Empire, one of the most important Persian empires. And there are much more hidden treasures supposed in this area. Iran is rich of historic artifacts and ancient targets which are traces of the abundance of former Persian Empires.

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