GEMS (2005-2014)

Ocak 16, 2014
This product has been updated. View the current product version: OKM Fusion Professional

GEMS is a high-resolution gradiometer designed to find cavities as well as ferromagnetic metals. The optionally available Super Sensor allows the discrimination between precious and non-precious metals.

The gradiometer GEMS is principally made to find ferromagnetic metals like iron, nickel and kobalt. With the optionally available Super Sensor it offers discrimination between precious and non-precious metals. Furthermore, cavities like graves, tunnels and grave chambers can be located with the GEMS.

The device includes the following functionality:

  • Magnetometer with acoustic feedback
  • Graphical field research
  • Evaluation of measured results on a computer
OKM Treasure Hunter operating the GEMS detector
GEMS with Super Sensor: The GEMS metal detector detects metals hidden in the soil.

Storage of measured values

The measured values can temporarily be stored in the internal memory of the device and later transferred to a computer for further analysis with the software Visualizer 3D. The internal memory of the device can store a maximum of 65500 measured values. Additionally, wireless data transmission via bluetooth-technology to a computer is possible.

OKM Analyzation Software Visualizer 3D
GEMS detects a cavity: Visualizer 3D shows an obvious excavation in data logging.
OKM Analyzation Software Visualizer 3D
GEMS detects metalic objects: 3D representation of a metal part after detection with GEMS

Easy to use and easy to transport

Thanks to the easy handling and usage, the GEMS is especially interesting for beginners. Treasure hunters appreciate the compact scale of the equipment. The small and transportable shape allows the usage of the device in different types of terrain. Hence, it is also easy to handle in hard accessible areas. With the retaining clip on the back side of the device, the GEMS can also be attached to a belt.

This product has been updated. View the current product version: OKM Fusion Professional

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