OKM Blogs

From Sand to Mortars: Frank Casser Trains Tunisia’s Military on Ground Penetrating Radar


Highlights and Milestones from the OKM Headquarters in Germany and its Subsidiaries Worldwide: Read the Latest News!

Mysteries Revealed from Ancient Civilization: Discovering Artifacts from a Forgotten Tomb

Treasure Finds

Outstanding and Exciting Success Stories by Treasure Hunters for Treasure Hunters: Explore Search Projects and Amazing Discoveries!

What is a Control Scan and Why is it Important? | 7 Steps

Videos / Tutorials

Learn how to Use OKM Detectors Efficiently, how to Analyze 3D Scan Images and how to Find Real Treaures in Greater Depths.

OKM CEO Stephan Grund live at a TV show

Press / Media

Reports and Features about OKM in Media such as TV Shows, Journals, Magazines and Podcasts.

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