
Behind the Scenes: Making of OKM Tutorials
August 02, 2022

Behind the Scenes: Making of OKM Tutorials

The video shoot for the current Rover C4 tutorials took place in a former gravel pit: Perfect to test the ...

IHK Schülercollege 2022 bei OKM
July 27, 2022

IHK Schülercollege 2022 bei OKM

Das IHK Schülercollege ist eine Initiative der IHK Ostthüringen und bietet Schülern aller Schulformen ab Klassenstufe 8 die Möglichkeit, sich ...

OKM on TOUR: Treasure Detection on Oak Island
July 07, 2022

OKM on TOUR: Treasure Detection on Oak Island

OKM is happy to support the famous Lagina brothers on Oak Island. Stephan has been live on site this summer ...

Tag der offenen Tür 2022 bei OKM und Crazy Detectors: Kinder testen Detektoren auf den Testfeldern neben der goldenen Pyramide
May 14, 2022

Tag der offenen Tür 2022

Am 14. Mai gewährte das wohl außergewöhnlichste Gebäude Altenburgs Einblicke ins Innere. Unter dem Motto "Entdecken. Sondeln. Vernetzen." waren Interessierte ...

OKM beim IHK Zukunftstraning 2022
April 28, 2022

IHK Gera startet Zukunftstraining mit OKM

Im Rahmen des Projektes "Sport trifft Beruf" trafen Basketballer auf Altenburger Ausbildungsunternehmen. HWK und IHK Ostthüringen starteten ein neues Format, ...

Treasure hunting with best camouflaged detector OKM Rover UC
April 19, 2022

New Undercover Detector OKM Rover UC

The undercover detector Rover UC is the world's best camouflaged treasure detector with best depth performance. Explore the new features ...

EULEAD provides OKM georadar for mass grave investigation projects in Libya
March 31, 2022

EULEAD provides OKM georadar for mass grave investigation projects in Libya

Through the EULEAD project, the European Union is supporting the CID Criminal Investigation team in its work on the Tarhouna ...

OKM Turkey receives "Company of the Year Award" 2021
January 18, 2022

OKM Turkey receives "Company of the Year Award" 2021

In January 2022, OKM Turkey has been awarded as the "Best Archeology and Geotechnology Engineering Company of the Year 2021". ...

November 22, 2021

FuE-Projekt "Entwicklung eines innovativen VLF-Detektors"

Unser neues FuE-Projekt mit dem Titel "Entwicklung eines innovativen Very-Low-Frequency-Detektors mit Signalauswertung zur Unterscheidung verschiedener Metalle" wird mit dem Ziel ...

OKM Türkiye headquarters in Antalya, Turkey
October 22, 2021

Grand Opening in Antalya, Turkey

The occasion of this roadshow was the Grand Opening of the new headquarters of OKM Turkey. Learn more about what ...

Meet and Greet in Greece: OKM RoadShow live
September 25, 2021

Meet and Greet in Greece: OKM RoadShow live

On September 25, the K. VARDAKA Metal Detectors team invited OKM experts as well as treasure hunters and metal detectorists ...

OKM Welcomes First Trainee
September 17, 2021

OKM Welcomes First Trainee

OKM is vocational training company since September 2021: As an industrial clerk in training, Linus Hammer will get to know ...

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