Bionic 01 (2003-2018)

01 اكتوبر 2018
This product has been updated. View the current product version: OKM Bionic X4

The Long-Range Gold Detector Bionic 01 is used to find buried objects at long distances. By using cross pinpointing the exact position of the located object can be determined.

The Bionic 01 is a gold locator which is mainly used to detect gold and silver targets.

Applications of the long-range system

Treasure Hunter with OKM Bionic 01
Gold detection: The long-range detector Bionic 01 allows to detect gold and silver objects.

The gold detector Bionic 01 can be used for many detecting tasks. Gold detection, silver detection and treasure hunting in high distances are the main purposes of this lang range detector.

  • Find natural gold targets like nuggets or gold veins
  • Detect buried gold objects like jewelry, ornaments, gold or silver statues, gold rings or gold and silver coins
  • Search gold nuggets in riverbeds and near the coast
  • Locate successfully gold in the mountains, in forests, jungles and deserts

Performance of the gold finder

The gold finder Bionic 01 works not only in dry ground, it is also suitable for humid places, wet soils and can be used after rainy days without any difficulties. This gold detector is very sensitive to changes of the ionic and magnetic field of the surrounding area, that is why this gold and silver detector has the best performance in areas with less population and less constructions and buildings and is most accurate in nature environments. So it can be calibrated to the natural proximity in the most optimal way and recognize anomalies where possible gold discoveries can be situated.

Exploration of unknown areas with the long-range detector

The Bionic 01 is specially used for a fast research for gold and silver, to explore new areas where hidden treasures can be situated. It can be used for a first examination of unknown terrain to find interesting places of buried treasures, so it is advisable for gold hunters who don’t have any clue where to start detecting. The gold seeker can easily and quickly get a general overview about large areas.

This long-range technology is specially designed for areas where it is impossible to walk. Reasons can be accrued forests, rocky mountains or rock faces.

Treasure Hunter with OKM Bionic 01
Gold detection in the forest: The gold detector Bionic 01 allows to detect gold treasures in areas like forests, which are difficult to scan with other detectors

Handling of the Bionic 01

Treasure Hunter with OKM Bionic 01
Calibration of gold long-range detector: The gold seeker is calibrating his gold detector before starting the measurement

By pointing the gold detector Bionic 01 in different directions and moving it along the horizon from left to the right side or vice versa, the gold searcher can detect the direction where buried gold or silver objects are situated. The gold finder immediately gives an acoustical signal and a message on the display when pointing in the direction of a gold or silver object.

If calibrated correctly, the Bionic 01 does only react on gold and silver objects, it does not indicate ferrous metal or any other kind of metallic objects or cavities.

Cross pinpointing with the gold finder

When a positive signal has been obtained, this distance scanning procedure should be repeated in the same direction from another position (for example the gold hunter can walk 50 meters to the left or right). At the place where both measurements cross each other, a possible buried gold or silver discovery can be suspected. This procedure is called cross pinpointing.

Treasure Hunter with OKM Bionic 01
Pinpointing with long-range gold detector Bionic 01: The first measurement is done at position A. If a positive signal is obtained, the scanning procedure needs to be repeated at position B, about 25 to 50 m away from the first position. If another positive signal is present, the gold find is situated,where the two directions of positive signals cross each other.

Individual search systems

  • Bio-energy system (bionic mode)
  • Ionization system (ionic mode)

The bio-energy system interacts with the bio energy of your own body during the localization of gold and silver objects to observe minimum changes of object substances. Thereby the gold detector Bionic 01 is able to locate almost all metallic objects.

The ionization system is a method to measure the ions radiation (ions absorbance). Therefore a metal-ion reaction chamber is integrated in the Bionic 01.

The bio-energy system is also able to locate fresh buried or not buried objects, no matter which age they are. The ionic system is mainly used to find buried artefacts.

This product has been updated. View the current product version: OKM Bionic X4

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